广告客户的大喜讯 各位读者的好消息

编辑发布:jack | 2002-03-20 19:07:25

【星网专讯】【本报讯】PDC(Phone Directory Co., Inc.)是加国最大的电话黄页(指南)公司之一,近日与本报达成合作协议,双方将充分发挥互补优势,共同进驻广阔的加东电话黄页(指南)市场,率先在南安省共同开拓有关功能最强的中英、中文等类型的黄页(指南)品种。双方将向读者与客户保证发行量、渗透率、使用量和反馈率。为表示各自的诚心,双方在合同中载明,任何一方将不选择第三方进行此类项目的合作。


在美国开展黄页事业32年之久的PDC,1995年进入加拿大西部,1999年已成为加国最大的电话指南出版商与供应商。数量方面,PDC在全北美已出版有每年可持续换新的黄页本达130个品种,在加拿大拥有45个品种;品质方面,1999年、2000年,PDC获得全球著名的媒介与边缘媒介评定机构ADP与YPPA的近20个最杰出奖项;功能方面,该公司出版的黄页本在设计上独具创意,是全北美功能最齐全、使用最方便的黄页工具;其中,“one step look up”、“跨区参照”、“政府机构与社区指南”、“网站缩引”等多项功能在用户中有口皆碑。另外,PDC近两年还给10,000个以上的商家设计过别具一格的相关网页。


据了解,PDC的投资理念与企业精神是为广告商之所忧而忧、为用户之所想而想,这与本报的最大追求浑然一致。日前,PDC美国总部的总裁John Woodall到访本报时,与本报总裁共同认识到,此次的合作,将发扬光大上述理念和企业精神。PDC也充分认可本报的文化底蕴、投资胆略、市场谋略以及与中港各类商业机构的深厚关系,更认可本报迅速崛起的读者群。双方将切实共同保证没有广告效果可退款、用户提出合理的要求即可增加为精彩内容。双方共同认知,全北美的黄页发展史将通过广告商、使用者的热心参与而谱出新篇章。

Phone Directories Company, Inc.
Guaranteed Advertising Program

To qualify
You must buy a minimum ad of a half page or larger*
A Phone Directories Company (PDC) advertising consultant must fill out a Return On Investment (ROI) form
ROI form must be completed and attached to the final agreement
All guaranteed contracts are subject to publisher’s approval
*Certain headings may require a full page or larger because of competition

What is it?
Simply put, PDC will guarantee that you receive enough calls to pay for your program and generate a profit

How does it work?
We arrange for a call tracking number (CTN) and place it in your ad in our directory. This number is not to be used in any other form of advertising (this ensures that exactness in totaling the number of calls our directory generates for you).

When our directory comes out, your customers will dial this number and then the system will forward this call to your place of business. Your customer will notice no difference in placing the call.

Each month you will receive a copy of the CTN bill, detailing how many calls were received from your ad in our directory. We will take the second through the fifth months calls received to determine the average number of calls you have received for that period. Based on the agreed upon number of calls determined by the ROI, you will be able to determine the effectiveness of the program.

For Example:

The ROI analysis stated that you needed to generate 10 calls per month to justify a $3,000 advertising program. Over the four month period the ad generated only five calls a month, half the number needed to justify the program. Instead of paying $3,000 for the program, you would only pay $1,500 or only half the contracted amount. PDC will refund the difference. If the number of calls during that period averaged zero (0), PDC would refund the entire amount that you paid for the program.

Response rate with GAP

The Guaranteed Ad Program (GAP) is a unique format the Phone Directories Company (PDC) uses to track the effectiveness of their client’s advertising.

The program tracks the number of phone calls generated by an ad in the yellow section. A unique phone number is published in an ad and the results are tracked by the local phone company.

The following business have experienced these results:

Mighty Muffler
How many calls did they need? 12
How many calls did they receive? 1,083
That’s a difference of 1,071

Aardvark Computers
How many calls did they need? 6
How many calls did they receive? 305
That’s a difference of 299

Heritage Hair and Spa
How many calls did they need? 6
How many calls did they receive? 481
That’s a difference of 475

By Ways Car Rental
How many calls did they need? 104
How many calls did they receive? 1,061
That’s a difference of 957
*Results calculated annually

“Easy to Use” Phone Directories

The success of Phone Directories in the Canadian marketplace has been due, in large part to the amount of usage Phone Directories Company’s books enjoy nationwide. Consumers have indicated that their books are user friendly and community-oriented.

Phone Directories Company (PDC) believes that “you can judge a book by its cover”. In this vein they print the most beautiful and community-oriented covers they can be enticing people to open the book and explore; what they find are unique features that add exceptional value to using their books.

Features such as their “easy to use” government #s section. Their “one step look up” feature in the white pages has been well received as you no longer have to look up an area before getting a phone number.

All listings are based on alphabetical information regardless of the town/city in which they live. PDC combines the name, address, town/city, postal code, area code and phone number all on one line.

Their “cross reference” section of the book has also received great response whereby you can look up a telephone number to find out who it belongs to.

PDC has recently included a “website index” noting all web addresses of those customers who have a website hosted by them, again this has been inserted to make using their book easier and faster.

Two of the community-oriented sections of the book are 1) community and activity guide and 2) their menu section. The community section includes street maps with indexes. Their menu section makes ordering dinner a snap and eliminates the need to have fast food flyers lying around the house.

PDC’s yellow classified section as with their white pages section is based on three columns format that means larger print again emphasizing their user-friendly attitude.

In addition to making life simpler for consumers and businesses, Yellow Page play an important part in the American economy. Each year, the Yellow Page industry contributes more than $650 million in federal, $155 million in state and local, and $115 million in Social Security taxes. More than 70,000 employees work in the Yellow Page industry, making it one of the nation’s top employers. Because Yellow Page ads move consumers to the point of sale, they are responsible for putting more than $2 trillion annually into the stream of commerce.

The Yellow Pages industry is poised to move aggressively into the 21st Century. It is estimated that by the year 2000, the Yellow Pages industry will generate more than $20 billion in revenues annually. New high-tech products are continually being developed, and the industry is constantly striving to improve its level of community service.

In a world that changes quickly and unpredictably, the Yellow Pages have been a well-trusted resource. Through the years, the Yellow Pages have accommodated progress and adapted to the times. Judging from the past success and steady evolution of the Yellow Page industry, its history of reliability will undoubtedly continue for generations to come.

History of Phone Directories Co., Inc.

Utility-designed phone books were once the only option for listed residents and Yellow Page advertisers. This white and yellow-paged monopoly not only resulted in a loss of the fundamental principles of free enterprise and public service, but also forced advertising prices to soar.

In an effort to restore some of the free enterprise system that gives consumers a choice of products and services, Phone Directories Co., Inc. began publishing independent phone directories in 1973 in Price, UT. Shortly after the birth of PDC, the family operation was moved to Grand Junction, CO. where the first employees still remember staying awake all hours of the night to meet printer deadlines, only to deliver some directories in waist-deep snow in order to keep commitments.

In 1978, a final move headquartered the operation in Orem, UT and years of steady growth brought the company to full maturity. The “Mom and Pop” image slowly faded as PDC expanded nationwide, and soon the corporation attracted industry attention. Over the years, Yellow Page peers have awarded PDC directories coveted industry recognitions in such categories as “Best Cover,” “Best Ad-Design,” and “Best Special Interest Directory.”
PDC continues to produce books uniquely targeted to service “market area, not utility lines” as an alternative to utility-designed books. After over 20 years of experience, the Utah headquartered company knows that carefully conducted research of shopping districts, wholesale and commercial dealings, and communication zones of residents helps their directories to be user-friendly.

Today, PDC subscribes to the motto: “Take Our Business in Stride… Nationwide” and is committed to provide the best possible directory through service, honesty and integrity.



★2000 ADP Publisher of the Year
★1st Place: Print Media
Newspaper, Shoppers, Magazines, Journals
★1st Place: Directory Enhancement
Lakeview/Davis County wide
★ 1st Place: Innovative Product
Grapevine Payphone Terminal
★1st Place: Circulation of 20,000 and Under
Whistler, British Columbia
★1st Place: Circulation of 20,001 – 35,000
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
★2nd Place: Television
Art Critic Ad
★3rd Place: Direct Mail
Lakeview/Davis Countywide
★3rd Place: Special Media and Promotions
Salt Lake City Promotion
★3rd Place: Circulation of 35,001 – 50,000
South Valley, California
★3rd Place: Cover Art and Design
Canada’s Arctic and Northwest Territories


★1999 ADP Publisher of the Year
★1st Place: Cover Branding
Provo/Orem, Timpanogos, Mt. Nebo, Utah
★1st Place: Cover Art and Design
Sudbury, Ontario
★1st Place: Circulation of 20,000 and Under
Whistler, British Columbia
★1st Place: Circulation of 20,001 – 35,000
Jackson Hole Wyoming
★2nd Place: Innovative Product
Provo/Orem, Utah – Directory CD