炭笔寻觅欧洲行(Charcoal Explorations)

编辑发布:jack | 2005-09-30 01:32:27

【星网专讯】沉迷于欧洲古建筑,哥特式、拜占庭式和文艺复兴时代的风格, 让那古老的雕像、优美的草地,和无价的石碑和着历史的回声,在你的笔底再现吧。
Capturing the beauty of old European architecture, transcending classification, the Gothic, Byzantine, Renaissance… letting the ancient sculptures, eloquent arcs and timeless stones echo with their histories beneath your fingertips.

The breathtaking grandeur of the Venetian cathedral Piazza di San Marco, imposing and magnificently welcoming the daily sunlight and the century after centuries of visitors.

The Roman Forum echoes with layers upon layers of life, and history, a crumbling stone fa?ade here, perfect sculptures on the roof top there.

A glance of Firenze between the luxurious privacy of the Boboli Gardens.

Notre Dame and the leaping splendour of its flying buttresses sit in the middle of the Seine, letting the Paris revolve around her.

The casual elegance of the Venetian canal that has captivated imaginations from around the globe.

(图文:多伦多华裔艺术家余若扬,Pictures and writting by local artist RuoYang Yu)