
编辑发布:会跳舞的面包圈 | 2016-06-30 21:26:22


超级生活/兔子君 )


When someone thinks having their signal on means they have the right of way.How do you have a license?


When someone doesn’t signal at all.You’re so cool.


When someone actively chooses to drive in the left most lane at 100 km/h or less.Believe it or not, you’re actually being just as dangerous as someone who’s speeding.


When you choose to take the Eastbound Collectors right before Leslie because it seems to be moving faster than Express, but once you round the corner it’s actually jammed.

5.当你转到Express,告示牌显示Moving Well,结果:不动!

hen you switch to Express because the highway message boards tell you it’s “moving well beyond the next transfer”, but once you’re there it’s actually not moving at all.

6. Yorkdale商场的那个高速路口哟!永远那个堵哟,没个头~

When the traffic by Yorkdale doesn’t seem to budge.


When you share a lane with a motorcyclist that thinks he or she is invincible.Sigh… May God be with you.


When someone is purposely driving at your speed in another lane to prevent you from changing lanes or exiting.

道路总是郁闷的,抱怨抱怨就好啦~出门开车还是请大家保持好心情~~~  想吐槽的可以“评论告诉大家你曾在高速上遇到过的糗事和揪心事……