比尔盖茨妻子自曝私生活:曾避孕 住豪宅内心不安

发布者:jack | 2019-04-30 05:50:06 | 来源:环球网



说到世界顶级富豪,很多人脑子里第一个想到的就是微软公司的创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)。

退休多年的他,2018年和2019年依旧位居《福布斯》全球富豪榜的第二位; 个人财富净值达到1015亿美元。


他的妻子梅琳达·盖茨(Melinda Gates)最近又出了一本自传:《提升的时刻:赋权妇女如何改变世界》(The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World)。









“On average, women around the world spend more than twice as many hours as men on unpaid work,” writes Gates。 “But the range of the disparity is wide。” In poorer countries, women tend to spend even more time on unpaid work, deepening the divide between their opportunities outside of the home and those of the men around them。


In one telling (and hilarious) anecdote, Gates writes about how, when her daughter Jenn was in kindergarten, she had to drive back and forth to her school twice a day, a forty-minute commute each way。


She told her husband about her frustration with spending so much time in the car every day, and he offered to take on some of the drop-offs。 About three weeks in, she started noticing more dads than usual dropping their kids off in her daughter’s class。 Gates went up to another mom and asked what was going on。 The other mom replied: “When we saw Bill driving, we went home and said to our husbands, ‘Bill Gates is driving his child to school; you can too。‘”





In 1995, after Bill and I had been married nearly two years and were about to leave on a trip to China, I discovered I was pregnant。


This China trip was a huge deal for us。 Bill rarely took time off from Microsoft, and we were going with other couples as well。


I didn’t want to mess up the trip, so I considered not telling Bill I was pregnant until we came back。 For a day and a half, I thought, I’ll just save the news。 Then I realised: ‘No, I’ve got to tell him because what if something goes wrong? And, more basically, I’ve got to tell him because it’s his baby, too。’





Frankly, I think it’s great if women want to stay at home。 But it should be a choice — not something we do because we think we have no choice。 I don’t regret my decision。 I’d make it again。 At the time, though, I just assumed that’s what women do。


Poverty goes hand-in-hand with powerless women。 If you search for poverty, you will find women without power。 If you explore prosperity, you will find women who have power and use it。


Quite simply, contraceptives are the greatest life-saving, poverty-ending, women-empowering innovation ever created。


I had an opportunity to have two careers and the family of my dreams because we were in the fortunate position of not needing my income。 There was also another reason whose full significance wouldn’t become clear to me for years: I had the benefit of a small pill that allowed me to time and space my pregnancies。


It’s no accident that I didn’t get pregnant until I had worked nearly a decade at Microsoft and Bill and I were ready to have children。 It’s no accident Rory was born three years after Jenn, and our daughter, Phoebe, three years after Rory。

我在微软公司工作近10年后,我跟丈夫都准备好了,我才怀孕,这并不是意外。在大女Jenn出生三年后我才生下儿子Rory, 也不是意外。我生下Rory三年后,才生下Phoebe, 也是靠避孕措施。

Via dailymail.co.uk


I was no longer the computer science business executive。 I was a mom with a small child and a husband who was busy and travelling a lot, and we were moving into a gigantic house, and I was wondering what people would think of me, because that house was not me。 That’s where I was when I began the long climb toward an equal partnership。


We’ve come a long way in the 20 or so years since then。 Bill has said often in interviews that he’s always had a partner in everything he’s ever done。


That’s true, but he hasn’t always had an equal partner。 He’s had to learn how to be an equal, and I’ve had to learn how to step up and be an equal。


Via dailymail.co.uk


