
编辑发布:会跳舞的面包圈 | 2020-03-29 16:25:31



Front line medical workers are working tirelessly to save lives. Now more than ever, they need our help in their fight against COVID-19. We’re calling on the 3D printing community and other business communities in Vancouver to join the fight.

Protecting our front line medical workers
Hospitals and health clinics across the lower mainland have put out a call for help. There is a massive shortage of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) supplies in facilities to adequately protect front line medical workers. With traditional supply chains facing limitations, the 3D printing community needs to come together.
How we’re helping
We’re using our in-house 3D printers to print these face shields for our health care workers. We’ve partnered with five local hospitals who have already tested our prototypes and are in need and waiting for these supplies.


Using open source design available from Prusa , we have the capacity to print up to 60 per day. But this isn’t nearly enough.
We need to increase production to get these face shields in the hands of thousands of doctors and healthcare workers. We’re calling on the 3D printing community in Vancouver as well as the other business community to help fund this project. Together, our coalition will help save more lives and make a bigger impact.
What we are making
The face shields we’re printing consist of a reusable visor with extra face shields. This means the use of a single visor can be extended by simply replacing the face shields. The prototype face shield design is officially known as the PRUSA Protective Face Shield and has received two verifications in the Czech Republic for its effectiveness and usability.

Each face shield includes three key parts:
1. PLA 3D printed parts using Prusa open source files
2. LEXAN or PETG 0.5mm clear sheets
3. Elastic band for the headset to accommodate size adjustability
1. PLA 3D打印部分是采用Prusa的公开文件
2. LEXAN 或 PETG 0.5毫米的透明塑料纸
3. 头带的松紧带可调节尺寸
We are also partnering with local plastic suppliers that will supply and laser cut the acrylic sheets to spec, as we plan to offer additional replacement sheets for each face shield
Hospitals that will be receiving 3D-printed face shields:
● Vancouver General Hospital
● Richmond Hospital
● St.Paul’s Hospital
● Surrey Memorial
● Lion Gate Hospital
● Burnaby Hospital
● 温哥华综合医院
● 烈治文医院
● 圣保罗医院
● 素里医院
● 狮门桥医院
● 本那比医院
Companies that are helping fund the 3D-printing:
● LNG Studios
● Gryphon Development
● If you’re a company based in B.C., we also need your help with funding.
● Help us pay for the materials of our next batch of face shields. We’re breaking out production into batches of 100 face shields, with two extra replacement clear acrylic sheets per face shield.
● Each batch costs us $2,000 and we’re looking for corporate partners to come on board and pledge their support.
● LNG Studios
● Gryphon Development
● 如果你是卑诗省的公司,我们也需要你的资金帮助。
● 请为我们下一批面罩的材料付款。我们正在将生产分成100个面罩的批次,每个面罩额外增加两张替换的透明亚克力板。
● 每批次的费用为$ 2,000美元,我们正在寻找公司合作伙伴加入并承诺他们的支持。
How can companies help?
If you own a 3D Printer, plastic supplier or cutter, we need your help with manufacturing.
We can share the design file and printing instructions to get you started if you have a 3D printer. If you have a laser cutter and are able to cut 0.5mm LEXAN and PETG clear sheets, please help us in cutting extra replacement sheets for each face shield. Once the final face shields are made, we’ll help connect you with the network of hospitals who are in need of these face shields. Get in touch with us at covidhelp@lngstudios.com.
如果你拥有3D打印机,我们可以分享设计文件和打印说明以助你入门。如果你有激光切割机并且能够切割0.5毫米 LEXAN和PETG透明塑料纸,请助我们为每个面罩切割额外的替换纸。在制成最终的面罩后,我们将帮助你与需要这些面罩的医院网络联系。请通过covidhelp@lngstudios.com与我们联系。
If you’re a company based in B.C., we also need your help with funding.
Help us pay for the materials of our next batch of face shields. We’re breaking out production into batches of 100 face shields, with two extra replacement clear acrylic sheets per face shield.
Each batch costs us $2,000 and we’re looking for corporate partners to come on board and pledge their support.

每批次的费用为$ 2,000美元,我们正在寻找公司合作伙伴加入并承诺他们的支持。